Meet Kevin. Originally named Opie, we had to change his name since we knew we already had an Opie on the way. Kevin was found in League City with a broken leg, and a good Samaritan made sure he got veterinary care and then fostered him while he healed. Kevin's broken leg did not heal exactly straight, which gave him a silly walk and deemed him hard to adopt.

That is where we came in. The good Samaritan reached out to us and League City Animal Shelter at the same time, not knowing that the lady she talked to at the shelter is one of our board members.

Kevin is a big goof, earning him the nickname ‘Fruit Loop,p,p,’ and his walk earned him the nickname ‘Wonkyfoot.’ His silly walk does not slow him down in the least.

Kevin always wants attention, yet when you pet him, he is not sure how to act. Then he rolls over so we can pet his belly! Kevin loves all of the cats, especially Big Joe. He also has the sweetest high-pitched trill of a voice.



