This is Scotty. Lionhearts TNR rescued him off of a bustling street in Lockhart. He was scared, mad, and confused.

James reached out to us as a possible home for Scotty. We had room, so we took him in. Once at the veterinarian, we discovered he was not a Scottish Fold; he had been in many fights that had left his ears in this condition. He is also almost blind. He also had some broken teeth that were removed. When Scotty arrived, he mainly hid under a cabinet, chair, or behind the cat tree. Scotty has now been with us for about three years and has become friends with every other cat in the Rilee room. He no longer hides and usually waits at the door when we come in with food.

As long as only one of us humans is in the room with him, he is pretty relaxed. Hopefully, one day, he will not object to humans touching him. Until that day, he has his cat friends to keep him company.



